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Welcome to my Career Coaching Blog
Here you will find career insights, transformative strategies and actionable advice. Begin your journey to career success and fulfilment right here with my free careers advice.
Six steps to help you get started on a career change
Three years ago, I received a beautiful gift from a client with the following message: ‘Thank you for helping me let go of the disappointments that...
Declutter your career: Making Space for What Truly Matters
As the new year gets underway, it’s a good time to review your career goals and identify where to focus your energy. Reflecting on your career will...
An essential guide to establish your workplace boundaries.
In the workplace professional boundaries give you a sense of control and help you communicate your needs and expectations of others. They include...
Is 2025 your year for changing career?
The career change overwhelm If you're feeling trapped and unhappy in your current job then you might be wondering if you should change career. You...
You don’t have to do it alone: How to harness the power of networking in your career change
Yesterday, my daughter, Jo, shared a story with me. It’s a story about moving a sofa—an ordinary event that wouldn’t normally inspire. But this...
From Job Search to Offer: How ChatGPT can help you with the process.
ChatGPT can be a great tool to use as a starting point to spark your ideas, enhance your job applications and save you time. If you’ve not used it...
How to use the STAR method for behavioural interview questions
The STAR method is a technique for answering behavioural interview questions. These types of questions are asked to find out about your thought...
Finding a Graduate Job
The UK graduate employment market Employers are still hiring despite the economic downturn and the forecast is that the demand for graduates will...
A lockdown silver lining and how I came to be a career coach
In the Autumn of 2019 when my daughter called me from Paris to tell me that she had no idea what she wanted to do in the future, little did we know...
How to identify, articulate and communicate your value.
I was once afraid of people saying, “Who does she think she is?” Now I have the courage to stand and say, “This is who I am.” ~Oprah Winfrey Many...
How to sustain motivation and persevere with a career change
When we set ourselves goals, we’re energised by the prospect of the reward once we achieve them. But the problem with goals is that they focus our...
Five valuable insights for finding your ideal career
Are you trying to find your ideal career? If you're just starting out in your career, or feeling ready for a career change you might be...
Five Tips to Kickstart Your Career Change
According to a recent survey, only 17% of UK employees love their job and over half express being unhappy at work. Job satisfaction is essential...
How to approach a career change with a sense of excitement and adventure
"Smooth seas do not make skilful sailors." (African proverb) Life decisions are hard. Considering a career change is one of those decisions and it...
Do you want to achieve success, motivation, and happiness in your work?
Success, motivation, and happiness at work come from the feeling that what we do is contributing to something bigger than ourselves. We want to...
Why harnessing your curiosity is essential for career change and opens doors to new possibilities
New ideas, new insights and new possibilities come from filling your life with new experiences. These might include meeting new people, going to...
How to Know When You’re Ready for a Career Change
Many people feel unfulfilled by their careers. In fact, a recent study found that 33% of people are considering changing jobs in the next 3-6...